A professional pic.

A journey through my pregnancy. My meltdowns (which I seem to have alot of), my triumphs, my worries and anxieties. And now the journey continues!! Life as a mommy of 2!!
Daniel is a cooing babbling drooling machine. Last night at 4am Jacob woke up so I brought him into bed with daddy and when I returned Daniel was in the cradle both feet straight up in the air and he was talking up a storm. When he saw me he started to laugh.
I thought I would post an update (since my defective cow feelings). We are still doing the breastfeeding thing. It's not my favorite, he gets bottles of breast milk and bottles of formula, but the actual breastfeeding has done what everyone said it would....it has become easier! Today was the exception where he was just too fussy to take the breat, but he has had tons of gas, so I'm sure that's why. Just the other day we ran a bunch of errands and when we got to Home Depot I stayed in the truck and breastfed. It went so smoothly! I'm not sure when I will stop. I'll probably just let my milk dry up slowly, but for now I will continue with the combination I've been doing. It is saving me on money for formula and my sanity is no longer at stake since I've decided that if he doesn't want the breast or if he only wants it for a little while (or if I only want to nurse for a short session) I top him off with formula. Everyone said it gets easier by the 3rd month and it did. When we hit 11 weeks he just started nursing like a pro, I surprised myself by making it that long. I'm just glad I can feed my baby, it doesn't matter the form that it takes. Oh and hte reflux seems to have pretty much cleared up since about 11 weeks also, so that may have been the kicker!!
I have pics of them in Syracuse Orangemen outfits I have to upload. My mom bought them, and Daniel's was a size 9-12months and it doesn't look huge on him. He is jsut getting so big!!!
It is hot hot hot!! I can't stand it. Everyone is moody and uncomfortable. I made an appointment to get my hair chopped off, but it isn't until Saturday, until then I get to be a sweaty sour milk smelling mess! Ugh. Not too much to report here. Jacob is slowly getting over my return to work. I had a hard time dealing with his anger for a while there. He would scream in my face, hit me, bite me and pull my hair. I guess it was a big shock to have to share me with Danny when there were only a few hours in the day that we are together. Danny is doing well. Pooping on a more regular basis (I know you really wanted to know ;-/). In other potty dramas Jacob again took a pooh in his room, but then proceded to get a washcloth to pick it up and carry it to the toilet! What an odd little boy I have. My mind must be melting too, because I can't think of anything else. Congrats to Katie on the birth of her son. Janet and Cara you are almost there!! Lynn, I will continue to keep you and your bean in my prayers. Zeeks and Jenn, as you start to travel down a new path, please know that I am cheering you along the way. All of the sista I ahve met are the most amazing women and I believe my life is richer because of them.