An apology to my boys.
So I have a case of the ho-hums. I feel like nothing in life ever gives me a break adn I really don't want to hear about how there are so many people worse off than me. I know what I have and I am thankful for it, but I can have a bad day too.
We put a bid in on a house. A nice house. A house within our means. A house with country air and a safe neighborhood and a great school district. We didn't get it.
I feel like I should apologize to my boys. I already had envisioned them playing in the yard, getting to know the other kids in the neighborhood, playing little league down the street.
Instead, here we will stay for now. On a busy street in a shitty school district with noisy people living above us.
If this had been the first house to "get away" I may have more hope, but it is not. Unfortunately we do not have the budget that some others may have and in our price range whenever a safe nice home comes on the market it is very competative. Oh well. I need to go wallow in my gin.
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