So for the past few weeks I have been experiencing some contractions. I would like to blow them off as BH, but I'm not totally sure. Also of concern was that I am spilling protein and ketones into my urine (I test my own every once in a while b/c of the sugar). I mentioned the contractions at the docs today, but they're more concerned about my sugar levels and insulin. Plus they lost my chart and had nothing to compare to. I wonder where my results from my 24 hour urine test and blood draw went? I go to my regular OB next week so I hope they listen to me a little more. Other than the contractions and some fainting spells I feel really good. I actually made it back to the gym this week (haven't been since before Thanksgiving). I'm trying to take it easy, but I suddenly am in this HUGE nesting mode. I feel agitated and can't sit still (except when I'm on the puter). I guess the benefit would be that all of the curtains have been washed along with comforters. I repaired Jacob's rocking chair, made decorations for the nursery, bought a new bathroom sink (I'll let hubby do that one) and am in the process of getting ready to wax my hardwood floors. At this rate my house should be sparkling by January!!