A journey through my pregnancy. My meltdowns (which I seem to have alot of), my triumphs, my worries and anxieties. And now the journey continues!! Life as a mommy of 2!!

Saturday, December 18, 2004

Not exactly a Norman Rockwell Moment.

Unfortaunately I get these ideas in my head and if the events don't go the way my head and heart have imagined them I have a hard time dealing. I have worked on this and am much better. Much better!!! I can let some things roll off my back now. However, the hunt for our Christmas tree was just not one of them. For the past few years we have hiked into the woods and chopped down our own tree. We were planning on bringing the sled to pull Jacob in. Well mother nature did not cooperate and we have no snow. No big deal. Well DH's job and mine are not lining up with a time slot to go chop down a tree. Again no big deal. (See how I'm letting things go?) Anyway, I still want my tree and I have no problem buying from a lot, however I do prefer smaller family owned businesses to purchase from. Well Tuesday we were suppose to go, but it didn't happen. On Wednesday, still no tree just a bickering DH and I. He had promised we would go get our tree and then was not feeling well. I let this go too!!! Never mind that he had the day off and spent it having fun with our son and his father. So I'll move on to Thursday. Jacob is now sick, but damnit I want my tree and it is just a cold so we decide to go. I bundle him up in his snowsuit to make sure he stays extra warm. Jacob then picks that moment to throw himself on the floor because I apparently was not quick enough with his boots. So DH comes in pissed saying this is friggin rediculous and he doesn't want to go if Jacob is going to behave like this the whole time. He goes and sits down to pout. Pissed me off because I was hoping he would lift Jacob off the floor and put him in my lap so I could put the boots on. Nope, I had to lift my now 34lb toddler (which is getting difficult).
Fast forward to the car, Jacob falls asleep within minutes. We are on the way to bank to get cash for the tree and DH starts flipping out that we shouldn't be getting a tree b/c now Jake's asleep and it's going to mess up the bedtime routine. I pout, he grumbles and the radio station is playing Meatloaf's Paradise by the Dashboard Lights (you know the part where they sing about waiting for the end of time to hurry up and arrive so they can end their time with you). I was thinking how appropriate.
Pouting episodes over, we arrive at our first tree destination, too pricey. Second place, again too pricey. Finally on our third stop we found a great tree for a good price and headed home.Everyone's spirits are lightened and we are smiling. Now at home I decide to make up for the lack of the Norman Rockwell moment by baking sugar cookies. Since I don't want this to go on forever I will just say that it ended with me in tears on the kitchen floor with Jacob in my lap hitting me up side the head with two sticks of butter.

(Just so you know it has been two days and my tree is up, not decorated but up and the sugar cookies have been baked and I guess Ethan and I will be perfectly happy to wait out the rest of time because we are happy to be spending it with each other).


Blogger Patty said...

Sounds like a very frustrating tree purchase. Husbands can be boobs sometimes. I can visualize your Jacob hitting you on the head with butter sticks. Had to laugh at that one as my Jacob takes great pleasure in smacking people in the face too. The terrible two's have arrived with a vengence. I get only rare computer time now because of it. Oh well...this too shall pass.

3:39 PM

Blogger Crista said...

Oh my. And I thought our tree saga was frustrating! Sorry it was such a hassle (not too mention the cookie episode, yikes) but glad things are better on the whole. It took at least 2 weeks before we got our tree decorated, and we don't even have a small child in the house, so don't feel bad about that!! Enjoy decorating it when you do...the hard part is over now that it's in the house and up!

6:07 PM


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