A visual aid.
So here I am walking along minding my own business. The jeep is next to me, but I'm not much of a paint artist.

And this is what I looked like after the ground opened up to swallow me whole.

OK a quick review of last night. We parked the car. I got out of the passenger side (btw, this is at our old house). I opened Danny's door and unbuckled him but then decided I wanted to get my purse from the back first. I was walking on the strip of grass that runs between the sidewalk and the curb. Next thing I know I'm falling and splat on the ground. I screamed for E to get me up. He thought I just fell, but I yelled that my leg had been swallowed whole by the ground and I couldn't touch the bottom. I was seriously in the hole up to my hip/cooter. The pic is not completely accurate b/c my shoe actually fell off. I was so freaked out and I have a nice road rash on my elbow and it aches up to my shoulder. And I have a nice black/deep purple bruise on my hip. I tried to convince E to go take a pic of the hole so I could share, but he said no. BTW I called the police so they could put up barriers before someone, like say a small child??fell through. The police showed up and shined a flashlight in it and said "Yup. It's a hole. Have to get somebody to fix that" And then they left. E put a piece of plywood over it. The city filled it this morning.