Calgon...Take me away!!!!!!!!!
So DS is turning me gray. This past weekend we were at SIL's for a back yard party. It was lots of fun with tons of people. My biggest task was chasing J. all over the yard to keep him from running across the pool cover. Not an easy task when you have a very active curious little boy. E. was not there to offer reinforcements (he had to work). Anyway, there was a family friend there who did help out bunches, so that was awesome.
Now onto the graying part. There were 2 candle stands on the deck I assume to keep bugs away. But they couldn't keep my curious little bug away. Nope. He ran right up to them while family friend was following him (I was about 2 steps behind). A nice man sitting near the candle stands with cat like reflexes grabbed the bases so J. could not knock them over. What no one was counting on was him grabbing up higher and giving them a vigorous shake. And what does shaken candle stands lead to? You got it! Hot candle wax spewing through the air!! Right onto my precious bean's face and arm. I grabbed him so fast and went running into the house to check him out. Thank God there were no burns. The candle wax had to travel down far enough to reach him that it had sufficient time to cool. Whew!! So we picked and scrubbed and got him wax free. Add 120 gray hairs here.
Lets fast forward to Wednesday evening. J. was hanging out at his grandparents (my IL's) and I was to pick him up around 5:30. Dinner would be made and I was welcome to stay and eat. So around 5:30 as we waited for Auntie to arrive, Grandpa played with J. He was hanging him upside down by his feet when his grip slipped. (Insert audible gasp here)
I heard the most horrific sound I had ever heard in my life. The sound of my son's skull making contact with the ceramic tile in the kitchen. I cry whenever I think about it. We of course rushed off to the ER where again Thank God he got a clean bill of health. None of us can figure out how he walked away without a skull fracture. He's my life and I thought I saw everything that my heart was disappear in an instant.
So I was thinking about how much I worry about this babe growing in me. How I hope my will alone is enough to make this baby grow and be strong. But it really is out of my hands. Right now this babe is in the safest place in the world and I wish that there was a place like that for me to envelop my beautiful J. in.