What a Week.
So I should be completely grey. I have been on edge and just overwraught with emotions. The passing of baby Gio has left me raw and sensative. That being said, July is a rough month for me. In July of 2003 we had a house fire that forced us to move out for almost 5 months. I become a bit neurotic in July as the scent of anything burning sends me in a tizzy. I'm a little skittish in the beginning of summer too when those barbeques first get fired up, but I generally settle down. Well, Thursday night I noticed a burning smell and it wasn't BBQ. I went from the attic to the basement at least 7 times looking for smoke. I sniffed electical outlets, fans, stoves, fridges, AC units. I couldn't fine the source. I asked my tenants if tthey had burned anything and if they could check everything in their apartment (remember, my previous tenants were the ones who caught my house on fire). Well, with nothing burning I relaxed. I was getting my older son a bottle later that night when I saw a firetruck had pulled up in fron of my house. I flew outside. My house was fine BTW. I guess neighbors had smelled something also and called it in (we have had problem with an arsonist this year). After a check of the neighborhood it was determined that someone was probably illegally burning some trash. Phew, my heart can calm dopwn and get back into my chest. Fast forward 2 hours and I'm out on my porch having a smoke (I know, bad) and the firetruck pulls up in front of my house again. Lights flashing, sirens blaring...they were looking for adifferent house number than mine and did pull away. But I tell you, nothing stops my heart faster then having the firetruck pull up in front of my home. Do you think I have some issues to work out??
Now let's move on to Friday. I'm at work when the secretary hunts me down to call home. (I give her number out in case I'm away from my bench and it's an emergency). So I know it can't be good. I call home and find out that Jacob had decided to climb into the baby swing (standing in it actually). My mom told him to get down and stood up to get to him. She had to move the ottaman, which apparently was keeping the swing stable. The swing flipped up and he went flying backwards. He hit the hardwood floor so hard my om said. He immediately got a golf ball size lump on the back of his head. He ended up being OK, but my mom was in such a panic. So now I need to buy some hair color I think.