Update to the WBW blog. These pics came out like crap because I just took photos of them. Really need to get off my butt and find the software for my scanner.

Anyway, this is me and E at my brother's wedding. The dress was red lace!! Doesn't get any better than that! But my hair was cute!

Here we are at my cousin's wedding. How freakin huge are my glasses. I loved this dress. Although it does kind of make me feel like being a beer wench!
I'm thinkin you are a shoe in for a job at Excaliber in Las Vegas in that dress....diggin the glasses. I had a very similar pair of large framed wonders. Get this, my husband still likes to wear his seventh grade glasses. I guess it is the geeky engineer in him that won't allow him to venture into a more fashionable pair...or maybe he is just too cheap. They are thick as a coke bottle too.
1:05 AM
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