A journey through my pregnancy. My meltdowns (which I seem to have alot of), my triumphs, my worries and anxieties. And now the journey continues!! Life as a mommy of 2!!

Monday, August 07, 2006

Frustrated with work

So I know I have posted in the past about how things are changing at work. It was inevitable. My boss passed away so things were going to have to change. I was nervous, but I knew it was going to happen. But then, I felt like I was lulled into a sense of security. Things didn't change. Not really. I was still working on the same projects, I had the same responsibilities. But now, a foul wind has blown in. And I am devistated. I don't feel like anyone quite undestands why I am so upset. I used to work in what I'll call building A. I was very happy at building A. Then my boss moved over to building B and took most of her employees with her. I was left behind to finish up business before i could go. This took a couple of years. The few who remained moved over to building B when I was pg with Danny, so about 1 1/2 years ago. It took a bit to feel like I fit in again, but eventually it did happen. I mean I knew most of the people and I was able to continue on my projects. Then sadly my boss passed. I was handed over to another PI, but almost left adrift. Things were working fine, but the powers that be in the higher positions had an agenda they were not sharing. Basically they tore us apart. We knew it was coming, but here is where it gets shitty for me. I am being sent to building C with my new boss and his lab. I am the only person from my old lab being sent "away". They say my boss needs me and I'll be good for him, but what about me. Everyone has something familiar to cling too except me. Damnit!!! The others are either being kept together or being sent back to building A (they even said it was like going home). Me, I get a new boss, new building, new co-workers, new projects. Nothing is staying stable for me. I know it will work out, but it is so hard listening to the people I work with now make all sorts of plans and giggle and goof around b/c they are staying together. I'm not even going to have a window in my new place. I will be underground. Sucks. And I am sad to give up my projects. I sort of develope new product lines (the best way I can think of to describe it) and it can take years to get them wher they need to go. I am a heartbeat away from getting them there and now it's all being stripped away. I have always really enjoyed my job, now I'm not so sure.


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