The Farm is closing.
So I took my boys to a Game Farm over the summer. It's a place we had hoped to bring our kids to every year as a tradition, but the farm closed it's doors this fall and auctioned off tehir animals. So this was our last hurrah here (a first hurrah for Danny).

Jacob was king of the Mountain!!!

And Dan the Man is showing off his "I'm too sexy for this shirt" look . That was Right said Fred, right??
I read too often from my bloglines and don't comment. I meant to stop by the other day and say how cute that pic of Danny and the chocolate face was. I also meant to stop by before that and say that I hope the job sale ends up going well =) and that things work out for you there
and now I just have to say that I can't believe how big the boys are getting! They're adorable!
How are you liking the new house? You did move this year, didn't you?
1:07 AM
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