A journey through my pregnancy. My meltdowns (which I seem to have alot of), my triumphs, my worries and anxieties. And now the journey continues!! Life as a mommy of 2!!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

He's Not Like the Other Kids

Jacob has been going to preschool since the 2nd week of Sept. This was his first experience with a caregiver outside of family. He really like his teacher and tells me he enjoys school.....but (maybe I should say BUT) today the teacher pulled E aside to tell him she thought Jacob was "delayed". I knew his speech wasn't as enunciated as some 3 yo, but he has made such marked improvement I thought it was OK. I guess besides the speech issues he in not "clicking" in school. He won't participate during story time or singing or really play with the other kids. He has also stopped using the potty and wants to be carried everywhere and he wants me to feed him and hold him on my lap. This news just breaks my heart. I always attributed his withdrawness to being shy and not being accustomed to lots of children. At home he is a fireball of energy and when I have brought him to other childrens' parties he interacts fine. He usually needs time to warm up to the situation, but after 15 minutes or so he does great. I know they just red flagged him to get evaluated so that if he does need early intervention he won't slip through the cracks, but as a parent it still hurts. You have this beautiful "perfect" little being full of joy and carrying your heart around and then someone says he will struggle. I don't want him to struggle. I don't want this to be hard for him.
Ethan is really struggling with this as well. I think for him he relates it to his own learning difficulties (it doesn't help his family frequently says that he wasn't smart). I think he takes all of those feelings adn is projecting them onto how Jacob will end up feeling. His first reaction was to pull him out of school so he won't be a disruption. That will not happen. We will have him evaluated and after they come up with a plan we will decide if this school is right for him or if there is another one more suited to his needs. In the meantime I need to cry just a little bit for my boy.


Blogger Summer Girl said...

Hey girlie... you can ask away if you need answers. Laws vary from state to state but general development questions I may be able to help with. I certainly agree that pulling him out of this school would be problematic. First of all, the verbal behaviors of other students are the best model for him. As a pre-schooler, he probably will be able to qualify for some therapy (most likely speech-language, maybe others as well). Some states offer early intervention services in your home for little to no cost-paid for by the county. I'd want specific information from this teacher who is saying he is delayed- you may have that already. BUT keep in mind that some of the language delays, you had a gut feeling about, could be the primary area that is effecting him across the curriculum at school. I know it is hard for parents to accept these conversations. Just know that he isn't broken. He IS perfect!


2:26 PM

Blogger Crista said...

(((Barb))) -- I'm so sorry things have been so hard lately, and then to deal with this on top of all else, well it just ain't ever easy is it?

I was thinking much of what K said -- above all else, he is perfect, without a doubt.

Also, if a speech delay ends up being the main problem, take heart that a good SLP will take care of that, and the worst that may happen down the road academically is that he may struggle with reading acquisition, but with the right instruction, that will come as well.

He'll be just fine, of that I'm sure, since he has two loving parents who only want the best for him!!


10:00 PM

Blogger some girl said...

I don't really know what to say, just listen to Katie. It sounds like she knows what she's talking about.

9:35 PM


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