A journey through my pregnancy. My meltdowns (which I seem to have alot of), my triumphs, my worries and anxieties. And now the journey continues!! Life as a mommy of 2!!

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Thank You! I'm outta my funk...

And apparently just in time. So Monday morning Ethan and I were pretty much doing all we could to avoid each other. We were polite, but that was about it. Then right before we had to leave for work we started to talk, kissed, hugged and made up. There is alesson ladies. When I came home, E had taken Jacob to Jeepers and called me to let me know they were headed home. 15 minutes later he called, they were in a car accident. Nothing serious, but man was that enough to put things into perspective for me. I love my husband. I love my son and that is really all that matters.
The truck took some damage to the rear bumperand the front fender, but nothing too serious, that was until today. So the accident on Monday involved my hubby being stopped at a traffic light and being rearended from behind. This launched him forward into the next car. We called our insurance and they told us to turn it in on the guy who hit us when we get the police report in 3 days. Great. So here we are Thursday morning, with a nasty little snow storm and doesn't someone plow into Ethan truck from behind while it was parked on the side of the street. It looks like that just totaled the truck. F-U-C-K!!!!!! Our truck was a rebuild so it doesn't have much value. And now this. If it gets totaled there is no way we can afford to get a replacement for the amount of money they give us. At least nothing safe. I would like to hit rewind on the week. Anyone have the remote?


Blogger Patty said...

Thank goodness everyone is ok. I bet the other car took a beating since trucks don't tend to crumple easily. My husband drives an F150 and last year got rearended on the highway. He was at a full stop and this dumb lady hit him without stopping. I truely think the truck saved him from injury.

4:13 PM

Blogger Carol P said...

Oh geez, that totally blows. So incredibly sorry for the banged up truck. Hopefully it will all work out okay. It just has to, right? What a hastle of dealing wtih the insurance company, figuring out if it's totaled, getting a new car - - I don't envy you. But, am glad to know that you have a renewed outlook on your marriage and are out of your funk - at least a little.

6:18 AM

Blogger Cara said...

I am so glad that everyone is OK -- but that sucks about the truck. It is scary how these things happen in the blink of an eye. Thank God noone got hurt. Take care & Best wishes, Cara A

12:39 PM


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